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Clinic business charge description

Clinic business charge description

     Physician and Director 1 Members: governing and directing staff matters

    Therapist and group leader 1 Members: governing health care and direct supervision of nursing staff for business

    Nurse practitioner 2 Member: elderly chronic disease prevention and control, maternal and child health integrated health business

    Nurse 2 Member: elderly chronic disease prevention and control, maternal and child health integrated health business

    Medical radiologists 1 Rapporteur: X Ray fluoroscopy film, production materials and equipment management and maintenance, services, research, and business for the people

    Health inspector 1 Member: medical, medicine, food, health and nutrition, management, smoke control and accounting services

    Pharmacist 1 Members: apply for pharmacy management, preparation of inspection, drugs, doctors declared business

    1 ( Double group ) : For personnel, clerical, seal, information, files, financial management and other work
